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Grant Wightman @Nillions

Age 34, Male

Glasgow, Scotland

Joined on 3/11/06

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Fuerteventura Log.

Posted by Nillions - February 13th, 2008

Day 1


I´ve been in Fuerteventura for a few hours now. Looking around, I´m quite disappointed at the lack of things to do at night. I have managed to find a place where I can do this blog post. Trouble is, it´s in the middle of the street and I have to stand to type at it. :(

When we arrived at the hotel, it started to rain. We had to stay in for a couple of hours before the rain stopped. Not the best start, but I´m optimistic that things will get better as time goes on.

Oops, time is almost up. Better go. D:

Day 2

We´ve done some more ´reconnaissance´ today´, and we managed to find a decent Internet Cafe.

Went to a decent Chinese buffet for tea. They have these massive chicken wings which are like the chicken balls in batter, but they´re much larger. At the end, we got a free random souvenir. I picked a red band that said "LIVE STRONG", which would have been fucking amazing back in 2006. Afterwards, my Dad got a shot of some drink or other. The glass is shaped in a way that allows you to see an image at the bottom (it was a topless woman playing with herself, I believe), but disappears when you drink it. Is nice.

Day 3

Went to the beach today, and wrote childish insults in the sand. Most of them said "Stuart´s Gay", but among them were insults of "Stuart smells of piss", "Stuart stinks of poo", and so on. Others had written similar comments, such as "Andrew Is Gay" with a smiley face beside it, then underneath that was "NOT", then underneath that was "YES", and to the side I had written a comment saying "I agree, Andrew Is Gay :)". It was like a BBS on the beach! Except that one is better than the one on Newgrounds. =P

*audience boos*

What? I was only joking. =O

Then we got some pizza with some horrible sausage shit. The ham was quite nice, however. And then I went on MSN for about an hour.

Day 4

We didn´t do much today. Everyone sort of did their own thing. I took the opportunity to go to the Internet Cafe, but got lost for 40 minutes trying to find the place. >.<

Afterwards, I got an ice cream sandwich thingy.

We went to that Chinese buffet again yesterday. It´s really good value for money. I ate loads more chicken balls in batter, and those chicken wings, and then I had some strawberry ice cream for dessert. We got a pair of cheap black sunglasses as our gift this time around, and I got a 'looky looky' glass! GET IN THERE. :D

Day 5

Another lazy day, we stayed in the hotel for most of the time. The hotel I´m at has three swimming pools, one of them heated, so me and some other kids played water polo. I looked kind of out of place; the oldest one there minus the brother was around 11 years old, but it looked like fun anyway, so I did participate.

Our team lost 2 games and won 1 game. We got owned by some kids. D:

Then I went swimming and went sunbathing while playing Advance Wars: Dark Conflict (U.S fans will know this as Advance Wars: Days Of Ruin). Doing pretty well on it. I'm in the Bomber Squadron and have reached the rank of Captain, according to my Dad who knows most of the army ranks and how they are represented. Then we went to a restaurant named 'Sweet Burger'. It reminds me of something I read in a tour guide of Japan about a fast food chain that do make 'sweet burgers', where things like ketchup and cucumber are replaced with strawberry sauce and kiwi fruit. Unfortunately, the restaurant that I had went to lacked that facility. So I had a double cheesburger an some chips. Twasn´t too good. :(

Once again, I find myself at the Internet Cafe. It's got pretty good rates, and I can phone everyone at home as well. Not much activity on MSN. Perhaps I should take this oppportunity to add my MSN address.

WARNING: You must be at least 15 or over to enter. (under some exceptions, I will allow people under this age to add me)


Bring decent banter with you. =O

Day 6

Nothing much happened today. That's it.

Day 7

Final day. Had to get the usually souvenirs and stuff before we leave tomorrow. We were going to have a game of mini golf, but the place was shut. :(

We went to a really nice steak house. I had a mixed grill, and the meat there was delicious. You got a mixture of pork and lamb chops, and some steak. It was served piping hot, and was brimming with juices. Mmm, delightful. B)

Thinking back on the whole thing, I did enjoy myself. I did not have a holiday for years until now, so this was a welcome break from the usual routine in Scotland. I'm not looking forward in going back, where I will only have 3 or 4 days until I go back to school. Even worse, they gave us a shit load to do for when we do get back. It'll be nice to see friends and family and such, but still...

I think we're going on the trampolines tonight, and then we need to have an early night in so we can leave for the plane tomorrow.


10-4 GRANT.


lol, I made a k00l alt

Link? :S

Hmm, mebbe.