Much better than your first flash.
Although it had no sound, the graphics were reasonably good and cheery. Might want to rethink the script over, it's rather boring. Apart from that, I liked it. I give you 3/5 and 6/10.
Much better than your first flash.
Although it had no sound, the graphics were reasonably good and cheery. Might want to rethink the script over, it's rather boring. Apart from that, I liked it. I give you 3/5 and 6/10.
Ha ha, nice one mate!
I liked it how you based your idea on the chainmail that keeps on popping up in blogs from time to time. It's witty, and the animation was excellent, especially with the Newgrounds presentation thing at the end!
Great work, and don't be so critical of yourself! You did good! =D
Black (+)ps
Low expectation is a win-win thought system. =D
Thank you for including my preloader Mech, which by the way, FINALLY WORKS! =D
But olive coloured windows? Eww. =S
Yes. I am a white boy. =(
Correction Tyrant1x...
It's just a short loop of some pivot stickmen "killing" each other.
We are not interested in demos unless it's a demo for a highly anticipated series/animation. And this does not fall into that category.
Include sound in it, and find some better pivot sprites to make your flash.
Wow, that was weird!
I thought the soundtrack at the beginning was fantastic, you should thank the person who found that for you! D=<
Also, why has Gagsy transformed into a bin??
Anyway, I thought the skip rope scene was pretty funny, and I'll get the preloader sorted for next time, guys and girls! =D
Black (+)ps
Gagsy was a cake. =(
Also, thanks for your review and yes, Thanky you black-ops! =D
Good use of masking, and a nice, happy tune. The backgrounds could have a bit more detail, but it was positive, and now I have a warm, fuzzy feeling in my heart...
Good work. =)
It's gritty, it's bloody, it's stylish. Is there any other reason not to blam this?
Fantastic work, in such a relatively short space of time, well done! =D
That's some good synchronisation.
I liked the part when he pulled out the revolver. Nice work. B)
Age 34, Male
Glasgow, Scotland
Joined on 3/11/06